John “Jay” Zaleskas

About This Inductee
Jay was an outstanding student athlete, graduation from Coughlin High School in 1946. He graduated from Kings College in 1952 with a BS and an MS from the University of Scranton in 1976.
His sport accomplishments were two District 2 championship track teams 1945-1946 individuals District Champion in the 880 relay 1946. He played 2 years as varsity tailback at Coughlin and 3 years left halfback at King College. A severe neck injury ended his football career in his junior year at Kings. He was the leading ground gainer his last two years at Kings. He was awarded the outstanding athlete scholar award upon graduation from Kings in 1952.
Other accomplishments
Jay served as back field coach at Kings College under Head Coach Dim Montero. While teaching at Lake-Noxen and Lake-Lehman High School he served as Head Coach in Basketball, Baseball, and Wrestling. He also served us Assistant Football Conch. While principal at Lake Lehman High School, Jay was the Chairman of the Junior High District 2 Wrestling Tournament for 25 years until his retirement. He co- chaired the Senior High School District 2 Class A and Class B Wrestling Tournaments coach year for 20 years, until his retirement. He also had the privilege of serving as a member the official PIAA Wrestling Steering Committee.
Jay was the District 2 Representative in the running of the Class B Regional Wrestling Tournament in Williamsport from 1970 until 1990. He also served as Vice-President of the Wyoming Valley Wrestling Langue for 7 years until his retirement. After retiring as principal, Jay served two terms at Lake-Lehman as “Acting Superintendent of Schools”.
On December 8, 2004, the Lake Lehman Board of Education dedicated and named the new High School Gymnasium in honor of John M. Zalewski for services rendered as a coach, teacher and administrator.
Jay resides in Harvey’s Lake with his wife Irene. They have 5 children: JoAnn, Irene, Jayne, John II and dean.